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What damages are not covered by FINN insurance?

FINN ensures comprehensive cover at all times. Nevertheless, some claims cannot be covered by this. Here are a few examples:

Alcohol and/or drug influence: Damage caused by you or a driver authorized by you (significantly) under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs must be borne by you. Note: This may also result in a claim by the liability insurer.

Criminal offenses including street racing: If you use the vehicle to commit criminal offenses, including street racing, any resulting damage is not covered by our comprehensive cover.

Braking, operational and breakage damage: If the vehicle is damaged without any external mechanical influence, e.g. due to a load slipping during braking, these costs are also not covered by our comprehensive cover.

Intentional damage: If you or a driver authorized by you intentionally cause damage, you must bear the full costs.

📌 Note: For all subscriptions taken out from 22.11.2023 inclusive, any possible costs are summarized in this overview.


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