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What are the requirements for additional drivers?

The following requirements apply to additional drivers:

  • Possession of a driving license issued in the European Economic Area (EEA) that does not expire during the subscription period
  • Continuous possession of the driving license class B (old class 3) for at least two years
  • Minimum age of 18 or 19 years
    • Since in Germany the driving license class B can only be acquired from the age of 17, a FINN subscription in this country is only possible from the age of 19. In other EU countries, the driver's license can sometimes be issued from the age of 16, which is why in these cases the car subscription can already be booked at the age of 18.
    • Drivers under 23 years of age may only be registered as additional drivers for vehicles with a driving performance of up to and including 150 kW or 204 hp.

📌 Please note that a FINN car subscription and driving a FINN car as an additional driver is only possible up to the age of 75


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